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The Big Carp Rotary Letter Volume I

The Big Carp Rotary Letter Volume I
The Big Carp Rotary Letter Volume I By Various Contributors - (Hardback) £29.95
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Over 400 pages of ' Original Thought ' by the greatest angling thinkers this country has ever known make this the book that every carp angler regardless of experience will want to own. A unique piece of carp angling history with superb photography throughout.

There is a well known old English saying that ‘two heads are better then one’ when it comes to solving a problem! It was with that saying at the back of my mind that in 1991 I came up with the idea of the Rotary Letter. Not that it was a totally original idea however, since the likes of Dick Walker and his friends had a very similar thing going many years ago.

I just suddenly found myself with the greatest angling minds at my disposal; the equivalent of the Mensa of carp fishing minds, the UK’s top thinking anglers, and I was quick to make use of this huge ‘pot’ of knowledge. These few were my original ‘rotarians’ – Rod Hutchinson, Kevin Maddocks, Jim Gibbinson, Steve Allcott, Zenon Bojko and me of course. Who could argue that I’d got the crème de la crème of original thinking? Funnily enough this ‘meeting of minds’ happened a couple more times in the next 25 years as editor and owner of Big Carp magazine, and each time I resurrected the Rotary Letter again.

You see carp fishing has and will always be a ‘learning curve’ and there will always be questions to be answered as we strive for perfection, whether it be perfecting the ultimate rig or bait or understanding our quarry and the exterior forces that govern its existence in its watery home. Since none of us speak ‘carp’, we will never really know the answers to many of these questions, but we continue to grow, to strive, to perfect and to grasp the knowledge that will lead us to success.

There are eighteen contributors to the first volume of the Big Carp Rotary Letter – Kevin Maddocks, Steve Allcott, Rod Hutchinson, Jim Gibbinson, Lee Jackson, Zenon Bojko, Rob Maylin, Terry Hearn, Dave Lane, Nick Helleur, Ian Bates, Paul Martin, Andrew Gifford, Richard Howson, Dr Kibble, Gary Millward, Tim Wagner and Gareth Fareham.


UK: £6.00 Europe: £15.00 World: £25.00

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